
a music & dance collaboration in real-time composition by Sumalgy Nuro and Yasmine Lindskog


︎ Real-time composition performances
︎ Site-specific performances
︎ Morning training sessions
︎ Open community jam sessions with live music and dance

DIRECTION + PERFORMANCE |  Sumalgy Nuro and Yasmine Lindskog
MOVEMENT | Sumalgy Nuro and Yasmine Lindskog
SOUNDS | Sumalgy Nuro

WITH SUPPORT FROM | Ponderosa e.V. (BORDERLAND Residency Programme), Tictac Art Centre, P.A.R.T.S. - Performing Arts Research and Training Studios (SummerResidencies2024), Lazos - Artes en Granada, Culture Moves Europe - a project funded by the European Union and Goethe Institut


Sumalgy Nuro

Yasmine Lindskog


1-31 July 2024 - Artistic Residency at Ponderosa e.V. as part of the BORDERLAND Residency Programme - Lunow-Stolzenhagen, Germany

27 July 2024 - Site-specific Performance of REUNINDO at Kulturpark Stolpe - Stolpe, Germany

29 July 2024 - Performance of REUNINDO at Ponderosa e.V. - Lunow-Stolzenhagen, Germany

3 August 2024 - Performance of REUNINDO at Tictac Art Centre as part of Crude Saturday - Brussels, Belgium

5-8 August 2024 - Artistic Residency at P.A.R.T.S. as part of SummerResidencies2024 - Brussels, Belgium

6 + 7 August 2024 - Morning Dance Training + Real-Time Composition Workshops  - Brussels, Belgium

8 August 2024 - End of Residency Presentation of REUNINDO at P.A.R.T.S. - Brussels, Belgium

9, 10, 12 August 2024 - Morning Dance Training + Real-Time Composition Workshops - Granada, Spain

13 August 2024 - Performance of REUNINDO at Lazos - Artes en Granada - Granada, Spain

REUNINDOgathering or reuniting in Portuguese–is a cross-cultural collaboration between Mozambican dancer and musician Sumalgy Nuro and Swedish-American dancer Yasmine Lindskog based in real-time composition with dance and live music. Drawing from their diverse roots, the performance becomes a dialogue not only between the two artists, but also between music and movement, bodies and instruments, voice and sound, the feminine and masculine, tension and harmony. Through this layered exchange, they explore storytelling that blends traditional and contemporary influences as the duo composes in the moment. Together they unearth the voices and stories hidden inside each instrument and within their own body’s. The result is an immersive unfolding of presence, rhythm, cultural exchange, and interconnectivity, where movement and sound are perpetually intertwined.

During the project we host morning training sessions and evening dance and music jam sessions open for the local community to participate. The morning training sessions include traditional Mozambican dance led by Sumalgy Nuro and improvisation and floorwork led by Yasmine Lindskog. All sessions are accompanied with live music by Sumalgy Nuro. The evening jam sessions are based in real-time composition with live music and dance. These workshops invite community members to engage directly with our project, fostering deeper connections and enriching the project's research and development.

Throughout the process of Reunindo, site-specific research, landscapes, and communities influence the trajectory of the work. As a duo, inspiration is drawn from daily encounters in new landscapes and across borders. The duo co-creates with the unique landscapes and communities they encounter in order to unearth and weave together stories embedded in place. This project serves as a platform to come together as we return to presence, breath, rhythm, community, and nature in its most raw and visceral sense.



High-quality photography by Arnaud Beelen at Tictac Art Centre


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